Sunday 26 May 2013

Change your mindset and change your ways of studying English

Helo guys :) Today I will share information that I got from the workshop yesterday. The workshop is about "How to be a better English learner". This workshop is conducted by CEC (Cambridge English College) Makassar. There are many motivations whic I got from this event, want to know more about this workshop?? Read my experience guys ;) => (CONTINUE TO READ)

Sunday 19 May 2013

Tips to improve your speaking !

Hy guys how are you today? Well, this time I will share some ways or tips to increase your speaking ability. As I know many people interested in English and one of the skills in English that many people want to master is speaking skill. There are many ways to increase our speaking ability so we can speak fluently and can take conversation with every persons who we meet especially for American, England, Australian, and the others.

Want to know more how to improve your speaking? Click this one guys  (CONTINUE TO READ)

Friday 17 May 2013

International Workshop !

Hy guys pada hari kamis kemarin kampus kami tercinta, UIN Alauddin Makassar kedatangan tiga tamu special yaitu RELO dari Amerika. Mereka mengadakan workshop mengenai "Pronounciation and writing songs". Mau tau serunya presentasi yang dibawakan para native ini, yuk disimak 

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Welcome to American fellow !!!

Hello readers :) Kali ini saya akan membagi beberapa pengalaman saya sebagai mahasiswa bahasa Inggris. Salah satu pengalaman saya dan teman-teman jurusan bahasa Inggris yang diajar langsung oleh Native asli Amerika. Mau tau bagaimana serunya ?? klik this one CONTINUE TO READ

Sunday 12 May 2013

4 Ways to Make you Smile :)

Jangan isi hari-hari mu dengan penuh kesedihan guys :) Ada beberapa tips yang mesti kalian tahu untuk tidak diikat dengan masalah yang pada akhirnya membuat kalian murung, menyendiri, bahkan sampai menangis. Selamat membaca gan :) => CONTINUE TO READ

Friday 10 May 2013

Sony S and Sony P

wawww produk-produk sony keren kan :). Mau tahu kelebihan plus kecanggihan Sony S and Sony P klik link ini => CONTINUE TO READ

Thursday 9 May 2013

Listening time

In studying English, we will meet the four famous skills which will be a bridge for the English student to master English. The fourth of the skills are reading, writing, speaking and listening. To master those skills, every skill has strategy or way itself certainly. To can speak English fluently, we must learn some strategies in speaking, to be able to read accurately, we should know some strategies in reading, as are writing and listening, if we want to be a good writer and listener in English we have to study strategies in writing and listening to be certain.  =>  CONTINUE TO READ

Sunday 5 May 2013

Shining Star (CEEFIX)

Our togetherness in the second semester :)
muka-muka semester satu mulai menghilang secara perlahan tapi pasti : D sudah mulai banyak yang mulai poles diri (makanan kalee dipoles) :D
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